All Good Things Come to an End... Yet, GREAT Things are Just Beginning!

Adventure Camp 2018 has just ended, and as this blog entry is being edited and posted the last few cars are leaving Tel Hai Camp. Our staff are praising God for all the good things that happened this week, while the campers are fast asleep before mom and dad are at the first red light. So we write this blog as a farewell letter to our campers.

Dear Campers, 

On behalf of the staff, counselors, volunteers and supporters of Tel Hai Camp, THANK YOU for choosing to be with us this week. Please believe us when we say it will not be the same around here without you. Our heart's prayer is that you not only had a great time at camp, made wonderful memories, and made new friends; but we pray that you have heard and responded to the CALL OF GOD! We will remember all of you always. For those of you who asked Jesus into your heart this week, and those who reaffirmed that commitment we praise God that we will get to spend all of eternity with you. We pray that you never forget the absolute truth that Mr. Ethan taught you in chapel each day. In case you forget, here are the WORD UP(s)! for our five days:

Day 1: God is Calling People (John 1:12)

Day 2: God Solved the Sin Problem (1 Peter 3:18a)

Day 3: God's Call is Forever! (John 6:37)

Day 4: God's Call is Irresistible (2 Chronicles 20:6)

Day 5: God Will Never Let You Go! (Romans 8:30)


Our heart's desire is that you will take what you have learned this week and continue to live it out in every area of your life. At home, with your friends, in your school, and on into your adult years. Remember to spend time reading the Bible everyday. Take time to pray and seek God. He will show himself to you as you spend time with him. If you are able, find a church that you can go to and join. Remember our theme verse of 2 Timothy 1:9 - God has saved you and called you to a holy life..." This is because God loves you and values you. God's grace is always for you and always will be. 

Please know that as we have prayed for you this week, we will continue to pray for each of you throughout the school year too. We know that God will put you on our hearts and minds at just the right moment, and when he does, know that we will say your name and ask God to be with you and bless you. Adventure Camp 2018 may be over, yet the adventure of living a life for Jesus is just beginning. Continue to say yes to Jesus wherever and whenever he calls out to you. You will not regret it! Jesus is the rock of your salvation, and he is the mountain that stands by you. When everything around you is sinking sand, remember that Christ is the solid rock on which you can stand. Until next year, may God Bless you and keep you in his everlasting love.

Love in Christ,

The Adventure Camp Staff & Counselors

P.S. - Parents, THANK YOU for trusting us and blessing us with your children this week! 

P.P.S. - We do have some lost and found items. If you are missing something, please call the office and we will let you know if it is here.

