Adventure Camp 2019 has started! In our first two chapels we have learned that our theme this week is “Clap Your Hands, Stomp Your Feet”! This week we will be studying the life of King David from the Bible, learning how he worshiped God in all situations. Today’s main focus was God Chooses Surprising People. King David was a surprising choice to be king over all of Israel. At first glance he didn’t seem to be a type of person to be chosen for the role of king. Yet, God chose him not because of what he appeared to be to the world, but who he was in his heart. God doesn’t see the same things people see. God chooses differently than people choose. Bible Teacher Ethan also showed us in the Word of God how Jesus was a surprising choice to be our savior. Lastly, when anyone chooses to accept Christ into their heart, they too become somebody surprising due to the work of Christ in their lives.
Our theme verse for this week is Psalm 100:1-2, which says:
“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.”
This week we are looking forward to worshiping with your children and learning more about how to live our lives in worship to God, responding obediently to His word. Today’s Psalm 126:2-3 is our daily theme verse. It says: “Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.”
Our prayer this week is that God is going to do great things in each and every camper. As God answers our prayers we will sing for joy and worship God with gladness for the wonderful things he does.
Besides beginning to learn about King David in chapels, campers enjoyed free time at the pool, a sweet treat from the snack shop, mini-golf, ga-ga ball, and nine square in the air. We also made instruments to use during our worship times. Our first day ended with a crazy, wacky, relay race, where Goshen and Gilead Cabins were the winners! The campers have started Adventure Camp 2019 with lots of energy and smiles and are now settling down to sleep peacefully and look forward to another great day tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers and support of this ministry at Tel Hai Camp and retreat. Our staff appreciates and is blessed with every petition you present to the Lord on our behalf!