Learn. Explore. Connect.
Homeschool classes at Tel Hai Camp are a great way to supplement your homeschool curriculum and activities. We offer several different classes throughout the year. Take a look below to see what might work with your interests and schedule. All students are given a certificate of completion at the end of every class. To register for a class, print out the registration form and the Health & Agreement form, complete all the information and submit the forms and payment to Tel Hai Camp. Please contact the camp office if you have any questions - 610-273-3969.
Please make checks payable to : "Tel Hai Camp" to cover all fees.
Mail with registration forms to: "Home School Classes, Tel Hai Camp & Retreat, 31 Lasso Dr., Honey Brook, PA 19344"
Climbing Class
Starting october 1 & 3, 2024
Instructors: Bruce Gregory, trained instructor and belayer with over 20 years of instructing and training climbers and staff.
Certificate of Completion: Presented upon successful completion of the course, which includes faithful attendance and evidence of growth in skills.
Class Size: Maximum class size is 12 persons.
Ages: Age 10 through high school.
Tuesdays, beginning October 1st and running 6 weeks. Time - 1:30-3:30 p.m. - (Tuesday class has been cancelled at this time)
Thursdays, beginning October 3rd and running 6 weeks. Time - 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Cost: $60.00 per student for entire course.
Location: Tel Hai Camp Gymnasium
Deadline for sign up: September 30th
Registration: Click on form below or contact the camp.
Homeschool Class Registration Form - print out, fill out, and mail to camp. {coming soon}
Forms: (Required Forms)
Health & Agreement Form - Fill this out for each student.
The primary objective of this course is to teach safety, climbing terminology, proper use of gear and tips and techniques of climbing. Each weekly session will include instruction and practice time, as well as evaluation of skills. All equipment is provided (harnesses, helmets, ropes, safety gear) and regularly inspected. Climbing shoes are not provided and are optional. This is an indoor climbing wall.

starting April 2 & April 3, 2025
The primary objective for this course is to teach basic to intermediate skills, including safety, terminology, proper canoe and kayak entry and exit, and paddle strokes for lake and river canoeing/kayaking. Each weekly class will include instruction time, as well as practice and evaluation of skills. All equipment is provided (canoes, kayaks, paddles, and life jackets). Equipment will be sanitized after use.

Instructor: Bruce Gregory, Program Director- Red Cross training in canoeing and lifeguarding with over 40 years of experience.
Certificate of Completion: Presented upon successful completion of the course, which includes faithful attendance and evidence of growth in skills.
Class size: Maximum is 14 persons.
Ages: Age 10 through high school.
Thursday classes begin April 3, 2025 and run for 6 weeks. Time- 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday classes begin April 2, 2025 and run for 6 weeks. Time - 2:45-4:15 p.m.
Cost: $62.00 per student for entire course.
Location: Tel Hai Camp Swan Lake - meet at covered bridge.
Deadline for sign up: Monday, March 31, 2025.
Registration: Fill out the Registration Form or contact the camp. (coming soon)
Forms: (Required Forms)
Health & Agreement Form - Fill this out for each student.
Archery Class
starting April 1, 2, & 3, 2025
The primary objective of this course is to teach Level 1 archery skills, including history, safety, terminology, proper form and techniques, and scoring. Each weekly session will include instruction and practice time, as well as evaluation of skills. All equipment is provided (bows, arrows, finger guards, arm guards, and targets). Equipment will be sanitized after use.

Instructor: Bruce Gregory, a certified archery instructor with Archery Education Resources and training in NAA instruction, with over 40 years of experience.
Certificate of Completion: Presented upon successful completion of the course, which includes faithful attendance and evidence of growth in skills.
Class Size: Maximum class size is 16 persons.
Ages: Age 10 through high school.
Tuesday classes begin April 1, 2025 and run for 6 weeks.
Archery Level 1 - 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Intermediate Archery - 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Wednesday classes begin April 2, 2025 and run for 6 weeks.
Intermediate Archery 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Thursday classes begin April 3, 2025 and run for 6 weeks.
Intermediate Archery - 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Archery Level 1 - 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Cost: $62.00 per student for entire course.
Location: Tel Hai Camp field next to lake and covered bridge.
Deadline for sign up: Monday, March 31, 2025.
Registration: Fill out the Registration Form or contact the camp. (coming soon)
Forms: (Required Forms)
Health & Agreement Form - Fill this out for each student.
Lego exploration Class
Starting April 3, 2025
Class Instruction - Students will learn about the history of Legos, create a Lego booklet to take home, participate in games and building challenges, and have time for free building.
Each day will consist of History & Review, Working on Booklets, Games and Building Challenges, and time for free building and fellowship.
Instructors: Pam Ressler, on staff at Tel Hai Camp. She’s a homeschool mom herself. She homeschooled her children from Pre-K through graduation. She taught a variety of classes to various age groups. As a homeschool mom she taught a Lego unit study to her own children and assisted with First Lego League.
Certificate of Completion: Presented upon successful completion of the course, which includes faithful attendance and evidence of growth in skills.
Class Size: Maximum class size is 10 persons.
Ages: Ages 8 through 12.
Thursdays beginning in April 3rd and running for 6 weeks.
10:30 - 12:00 p.m.
Cost: $62.00 per student for entire course.
Location: Tel Hai Camp - Hemlock Hall
Deadline for sign up: Monday, March 31, 2025
Registration: Click on form below or contact the camp.
Registration Form - print out, fill out, and mail to camp.
Forms: (Required Forms)
Health & Agreement Form - Fill this out for each student.