Adventure Camp - A Review of Day #2

It is the end of our first full day of camp and everyone young and old is glad to see their pillows and sleeping bags. It has been a very full and fun second day of camp. Today was the first day of elective classes. With a stroll around the camp we saw campers enjoying the challenge of solving problems on the Challenge Course, campers learning how to groom  a horse, shoot a bow and arrow, aim a BB gun properly, make silly slime and even reach new heights on the climbing wall. Campers in the Challenge Course and Climbing Wall elective classes enjoyed a ride down the zip line too. During free time campers took advantage of the beautiful sunny weather by boating on the lake, swimming in the pool, and playing the ever popular camp game of Gaga. This evening's activity time had the campers enjoying mini-golf, a wagon ride, and a night swim at the pool. There is no time to waste at camp, there is too much fun to be had!

Today's Bible lesson centered around the idea that God has solved the sin problem through Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. When we believe in Jesus it is as though we have our hand stamped and we have access to all that Jesus has for us in the Kingdom of Heaven. Without the stamp of Faith in Jesus, we are not able to be a part of God's Family. By believing in Jesus and his work on the Cross we can know that sin has been conquered. The mission of solving the sin problem was accomplished in and through Jesus. Today's WORD UP is "God Solved the Sin Problem". The emphasis of today's lesson came from Roman's 3:10-12; 23-25. Our theme verse was from 1 Peter 3:18a which says:

"For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God"

Our prayer for your camper tonight is that they will say 'yes' to Jesus and receive all that he has for them through his eternal word. We are praying eagerly for each camper to receive Jesus as their Savior or to know Him even more this week at camp and always in their future. For now, we are saying "Good Night" and we look forward to new adventures tomorrow!