Adventure Camp day one is just about over. The campers have returned to their cabins and are getting ready for bed. They may not be tired, yet. However, we certainly kept them active today and gave them some adventure to start the week off well. Today's events included reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones as we enjoyed time on the boats, swimming, mini-golf, Gaga, 9 square in the air, and many more activities. Each of the cabins spent time tonight making a banner to hang on their cabins for the week, while we took turns riding the train that came into camp! A train you wonder, yes, a train. A local gentleman who has a model train you can ride, kindly brought it to camp tonight and gave rides to all the kids - young and old! We ended our night with a crazy running game called "Dumping Ground" to use up our energy!
Today in Bible time our Bible teacher Ethan, introduced the theme of the week (Call of God) by encouraging the campers to follow God not because it's about rules. But following God is knowing God's purpose and grace for each person. This evening, Ethan shared about the story of Levi from Mark 2:13-17. Levi was a sinner and yet God still called Levi to follow Him. Because when anyone hears God's call they can become a child of God. The story of Levi emphasizes our WORD UP! for the day which is "Jesus' Followers are God's Children". To become God's child we must place our faith in Jesus and trust him. Our theme verse for today comes from the Gospel of John 1:12 which says:
"Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God."
Day one of Adventure Camp was a great start to the week. We are looking forward to many more adventures as we begin our elective classes tomorrow and learn more about people from the Bible who heard and responded to the "Call of God"!