Clap Your Hands, Stomp Your Feet - One Last Post for Adventure Camp 2019

Adventure Camp 2019 has come to an end, and the week has been one grand adventure! This week we have learned about King David and how by following his example we can “Clap Our Hands and Stomp Our Feet” no matter what circumstances we face. Today’s word up was “God is Kind!” Throughout the week, Bible Teacher Ethan encouraged us that as we read our Bibles, we should always look to see God as the Hero and how he works to save his people. Each day, as we learned about King David, we ultimately learned about King Jesus, and how he came to save us from our sin. Below is a summary of the stories we read and what Ethan taught us:

Monday: God chooses surprising people! Theme Verse -1 Samuel 16:7. Christ Connection – Isaiah 53:2-5. David was a surprising choice to be king because he was a young, small shepherd. From a human perspective, Jesus was also a surprising choice to save the world because he looked like an average guy on earth, not someone you would expect to be the King of the universe. He also saved his people in a surprising way by dying for sinners and rising from the dead. God chooses surprising people to show the world how great he is. Because God chooses surprising people, we can laugh with joy.

Tuesday: God wins the battle! Theme Verse-1 Samuel 17:47. Christ Connection – 2 Corinthians 5:21; John 14:6. The well-known story of David and Goliath teaches us that God sends a representative to save his people from their enemies. As we read this story, we should identify most with the Israelites who were cowardly and afraid; hopeless without a representative against our greatest enemy, which is our sin. Because the punishment for sin is death, the only way for us to be saved from our sin was to have a representative who is 100% man and 100% God die for us, so God came to earth and took on flesh and blood, lived a perfect life, and died on the cross. Faith in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection is the only possible way for our sins to be forgiven and for us to live forever with him. Because God has won the battle against our greatest enemy, we can clap in victory.


Wednesday: God is our faithful friend! Theme Verse- 1 Samuel 20:42. Christ Connection – Romans 8:32; John 15:9. David was in trouble because King Saul was jealous of him and his victories, and the king wanted to get rid of him. Jonathan, Saul’s son, promised to be a faithful friend to David and to help him escape no matter what. David could not have escaped on his own, but with his faithful friend, he fled from his enemy and lived. We have a faithful friend in Jesus, who, like Jonathan, saved us when we, like David, had no hope of escaping our sin on our own. Because Jesus has saved us from our greatest enemy when he died for our sin, we can trust him to help us as we face smaller problems in life. God truly is our faithful friend, so we can sing to him with gladness in our hearts.

Thursday: God is with us! Theme Verse – 2 Samuel 6:13-15. Christ Connection – 1 Corinthians 1:18. God is holy, which means he is perfect and completely different from us. In him there is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). He gave the Ark of the Covenant to Israel to remind them of his holiness and his love for them, and that he will always be with them. Because it represented his holiness, it required special instructions for carrying it, which the people disobeyed when David decided to bring the Ark back to Jerusalem, which he knew would gladden the people, because God’s presence always makes his people happy. Sin always leads to trouble, and as the people disobeyed, the Ark began to stumble, and Uzzah violated the command not to touch the Ark by reaching out his hand to stop it. Because God is holy, he must punish sin, so he struck down Uzzah. We deserve the same punishment, but because God is gracious, he made a way for us to be with him by punishing Jesus for our sin. Jesus took the punishment we deserve and gave us his perfection if we repent and trust him. Because the cross represents God’s presence with us, we should be excited about the cross and often remind ourselves and one another about it. God wants to be with his people so much that he punished his Son for our sins, so we can shout in happiness!


Friday: God shows his kindness! Theme Verse – 2 Samuel 9:7. David made good on his promise to Jonathan by showing kindness to his crippled son, Mephibosheth. He brought Mephibosheth into his house and gave him a seat at his table, though Mephibosheth had no good to offer him. Like Mephibosheth, we have no good to offer God because of our sin. When he chooses to save us through faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection, it is simply because he has kindness toward us and not because there is anything good in us. The invitation into God’s forever family, as one of his sons and daughters, is for anyone who will turn from their sin and put their faith in Jesus. We give thanks to God because of his kindness to us.


As you can see, the campers have learned a lot this week. There are many nuggets of truth to take and keep as they return home and head back to school. Our prayer as Adventure Camp leadership and staff is that the seeds planted this week from God’s word will bear fruit at the just the right time. We pray that each child will fully receive God’s word, accept salvation through Jesus, and desire to live a holy life every day. May God take His word and use it for his glory, in each heart and life. And one day when we meet again may we all together:

“Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness, come before him with joyful songs.” – Psalm 100:1-2


God Is With Us

We are almost to the end of our 2019 Adventure Camp Week! Today’s activities have kept the campers moving “Clapping their Hands and Stomping their Feet”. Some of the highlights from today’s activities include making ice cream in Concoctions Class. Swinging on the Giant Swing in Challenge Course and Climbing Class. Playing water balloon Capture the Flag in Sports Variety Class and learning how to shoot with a sling shot in Riflery class. Even though the end of the week is in sight, campers are still learning many new things, and trying new adventures.

Today in Chapel we learned about David bringing the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. David’s heart was to have the Ark of the Covenant where it belonged in Jerusalem so that everyone could see that God was with his people. In fact, our Word Up for the day is God is with us! In order to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem, it needed to be carried in a very specific way. Bible Teacher Ethan emphasized that this represents obedience to God. When we disobey God’s commands, he does give us grace. God’s grace is demonstrated in Jesus, who he sent to take our punishment for sin. When we receive Christ’s salvation by grace, we are able to live in God’s presence with fullness of joy. We can be like David and dance and shout before the Lord because God is with us!

Today’s Psalm Memory Verse is Psalm 100:1-2, which is also our theme verse. It says

“Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness, come before him with joyful songs.”

Because Jesus died to take away our sin, we can Shout for joy to the LORD, and worship him with gladness and joy. Knowing Jesus died for you and me and accepting his salvation, allows us to walk with confidence in Christ’s love. Today has been a good day to Shout! For God is with us!  

Now as the blog is being finished campers are making their way to their cabins for one final night of sleep at Adventure Camp 2019. Our day ended with a fun night swim at the pool. During the time we had a staff challenge of bull riding on inflatables. Everyone has a great time trying to get their counselor to be the champion. Yet, it was Jaffa Cabin who proved that they are truly the champions. The morning is coming quickly and so we will say good night, so that we too may get some sleep before we spend the final few hours with your camper sharing the truth of Jesus Christ and His good news.


God is Our Faithful Friend, God is our Forever Friend - Adventure Camp - Day #3

Our middle of the week adventures has been fun! The day began with wearing crazy socks which kept up moving! We have had another fun day of elective classes. The campers have enjoyed shooting targets at the Rifelry range and Archery to win smarties. In Challenge Course class the group crossed the crazy river on the cargo net. Other campers were ringing the bell as they climbed the rock wall in climbing class. While at horses, the campers have had fun getting to ride Shiloh, Zane, Patches, Quincy, and the other horses. In Ceramics each camper has been busy painting their newly fired creation. And finally, in Concoctions class, the campers were bouncing around the room with their newly made bouncy balls. The recipe was a success!


With all the activity, the campers are having a wonderful time learning new skills and making new friends. In fact, our theme and “Word Up” for the day is “God is Our Faithful Friend”. Today’s lesson about King David focused on David’s friendship with Jonathan. The lesson came from 1 Samuel 19. We learned how Jonathan was a faithful friend to David when David was in danger with King Saul. It was God who gave Jonathan to be a faithful friend to David. Likewise, when we have been trapped in our sin God provided Jesus to be our Savior and faithful friend forever. The Bible says, “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” Romans 8:32. And in Proverbs 17:17 it says “A friend love at all times”

Our Psalm memory verse for today is

“Sing to the LORD, praise his name, proclaim his salvation day after day.” – Psalm 96:2

We can Clap Our Hands and Stomp Our Feet, and sing to the Lord because God is Our Faithful Friend! 

Our day ended with a camp wide game of clue. The campers were challenged to find out who kidnapped Colin the camp mascot. You will have to ask your camper when they get home who was the guilty person! Of course, the clues weren’t easy to come by since each cabin had to do crazy challenges in order to find out hints. Even though the thunderstorm caused us to have our game in the gym, It was still a lot of fun!

As we post this blog and wrap up the middle of Adventure Camp week, campers are climbing into bed and looking forward to a restful night of sleep. And so is the staff! We thank you so much for your continued prayers and support for Adventure Camp.


God Wins the Battle - Day #2 of Adventure Camp

God Wins the Battle! That is our Word Up for today. Today’s lesson is focusing on the story of King David and Goliath. This morning, Bible Teacher Ethan began telling the story to the campers illustrating it with army men and a large pink teddy bear! It was definitely a unique way to tell the story but when you are at camp, you use what you have at hand. The campers were able to understand the details of the story and soon realized that no matter what foes we face with God on our side, the battle is won. It was God who gave David courage and the ability to take down the giant Goliath.


Our theme verse for today comes from Psalm 47:1-2 which says:

“Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. For the LORD Most High is awesome, the great King over all the earth.”

Besides learning about how God wins our battles the campers have had their first full day of elective classes. Campers have enjoyed participating in Archery, Boating and Canoeing, Ceramics, Horseback riding, Swim Games, Crazy Concoctions, and more! As the leaders have walked around camp, lots of smiles are seen, excitement is heard, and everyone is having a wonderful time! In fact, the day began early with a fun game of Ga-Ga ball before breakfast! The campers are taking advantage of all the activities at camp and are enjoying every minute; strengthening old friendships, while building new ones.

Our prayer today for the campers is for the Lord God to meet with each one of them in just the way they need it. So that they can know that no matter what they are doing, He is with them; able to give them strength and wisdom to fight every battle. With Jesus as their Savior there is no battle that they cannot overcome. With God on our side we can always Clap Our Hands and Stomp Our Feet no matter what.

Day two of Adventure Camp 2019 has ended with a night swim time at the pool and a wagon ride! Even a little rain shower did not dampen the joy of being at camp. Many campers are heading to their sleeping bags with heavy eyelids and sleepy smiles. Today’s activities will give them a good night of sleep, and sweet dreams for a great day of camp tomorrow.


Adventure Camp Day #1 - God Chooses Surprising People

Adventure Camp 2019 has started! In our first two chapels we have learned that our theme this week is “Clap Your Hands, Stomp Your Feet”! This week we will be studying the life of King David from the Bible, learning how he worshiped God in all situations. Today’s main focus was God Chooses Surprising People. King David was a surprising choice to be king over all of Israel. At first glance he didn’t seem to be a type of person to be chosen for the role of king. Yet, God chose him not because of what he appeared to be to the world, but who he was in his heart. God doesn’t see the same things people see. God chooses differently than people choose. Bible Teacher Ethan also showed us in the Word of God how Jesus was a surprising choice to be our savior.  Lastly, when anyone chooses to accept Christ into their heart, they too become somebody surprising due to the work of Christ in their lives. 

Our theme verse for this week is Psalm 100:1-2, which says:

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.

Worship the Lord with gladness;

come before him with joyful songs.”

This week we are looking forward to worshiping with your children and learning more about how to live our lives in worship to God, responding obediently to His word. Today’s Psalm 126:2-3 is our daily theme verse. It says: “Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.”

Our prayer this week is that God is going to do great things in each and every camper. As God answers our prayers we will sing for joy and worship God with gladness for the wonderful things he does.

Besides beginning to learn about King David in chapels, campers enjoyed free time at the pool, a sweet treat from the snack shop, mini-golf, ga-ga ball, and nine square in the air. We also made instruments to use during our worship times. Our first day ended with a crazy, wacky, relay race, where Goshen and Gilead Cabins were the winners! The campers have started Adventure Camp 2019 with lots of energy and smiles and are now settling down to sleep peacefully and look forward to another great day tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers and support of this ministry at Tel Hai Camp and retreat. Our staff appreciates and is blessed with every petition you present to the Lord on our behalf!

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Adventure Camp 2019 - Just a Couple of Days Away!

WOW! A year has gone by already, and we are at the horizon of Adventure Camp 2019! Name tags are made, cabin assignments are done, elective choices are finalized, and our staff is wrapping up final details to welcome Adventure Campers beginning at 10:00 AM, Monday morning. We are excited! The Adventure Camp Leadership Team has been praying for each and every camper and staff member. We are believing that God’s word is going to do a special work in each and every person that is at camp next week. Will you please pray with us? Stay tuned each day as we will try to post a short blog post to summarize the activities with a few pictures.

Parents and campers as you prepare to come please remember the following. Our registration will begin at 10:00 AM, Monday morning, next to Hemlock Hall. If you arrive before then, we will ask you to wait as we will be wrapping up last minute details with our staff. Furthermore, remember to follow the packing list that was sent to you with your registration confirmation. Keep in mind each day we will be having a crazy theme for the morning time: Tuesday will be Hat Day, Wednesday will be Crazy Sock Day, Thursday will be Hawaiian Day, and Friday will be Tie Dye Day. Don’t forget to pack something in your bag that you can use to join in on the theme each day. It’s going to be a lot of fun!

 Last but not least be sure to get your sleep this weekend. Next week is going to be load of fun and non-stop activity, so you will want to come rested and ready for the best adventure of the year!  Once again, we are looking forward to seeing each and every one of you and we are praying for a great five days together! We are looking forward to worshipping The Lord with you, talking about Jesus, and sharing God’s good news! See you all in just a few days!


All Good Things Come to an End... Yet, GREAT Things are Just Beginning!

Adventure Camp 2018 has just ended, and as this blog entry is being edited and posted the last few cars are leaving Tel Hai Camp. Our staff are praising God for all the good things that happened this week, while the campers are fast asleep before mom and dad are at the first red light. So we write this blog as a farewell letter to our campers.

Dear Campers, 

On behalf of the staff, counselors, volunteers and supporters of Tel Hai Camp, THANK YOU for choosing to be with us this week. Please believe us when we say it will not be the same around here without you. Our heart's prayer is that you not only had a great time at camp, made wonderful memories, and made new friends; but we pray that you have heard and responded to the CALL OF GOD! We will remember all of you always. For those of you who asked Jesus into your heart this week, and those who reaffirmed that commitment we praise God that we will get to spend all of eternity with you. We pray that you never forget the absolute truth that Mr. Ethan taught you in chapel each day. In case you forget, here are the WORD UP(s)! for our five days:

Day 1: God is Calling People (John 1:12)

Day 2: God Solved the Sin Problem (1 Peter 3:18a)

Day 3: God's Call is Forever! (John 6:37)

Day 4: God's Call is Irresistible (2 Chronicles 20:6)

Day 5: God Will Never Let You Go! (Romans 8:30)


Our heart's desire is that you will take what you have learned this week and continue to live it out in every area of your life. At home, with your friends, in your school, and on into your adult years. Remember to spend time reading the Bible everyday. Take time to pray and seek God. He will show himself to you as you spend time with him. If you are able, find a church that you can go to and join. Remember our theme verse of 2 Timothy 1:9 - God has saved you and called you to a holy life..." This is because God loves you and values you. God's grace is always for you and always will be. 

Please know that as we have prayed for you this week, we will continue to pray for each of you throughout the school year too. We know that God will put you on our hearts and minds at just the right moment, and when he does, know that we will say your name and ask God to be with you and bless you. Adventure Camp 2018 may be over, yet the adventure of living a life for Jesus is just beginning. Continue to say yes to Jesus wherever and whenever he calls out to you. You will not regret it! Jesus is the rock of your salvation, and he is the mountain that stands by you. When everything around you is sinking sand, remember that Christ is the solid rock on which you can stand. Until next year, may God Bless you and keep you in his everlasting love.

Love in Christ,

The Adventure Camp Staff & Counselors

P.S. - Parents, THANK YOU for trusting us and blessing us with your children this week! 

P.P.S. - We do have some lost and found items. If you are missing something, please call the office and we will let you know if it is here.



The Adventure is Irresistible

Day four, Hawaiian Day, of Adventure Camp is winding down. As we prepare to sleep one last night in the peaceful setting of Tel Hai Camp we have been reminded that God's Call for each and every person's heart is irresistible. Today's adventures began with a lively challenge of tug-o-war, cabin versus cabin. The gals of Goshen proved themselves to be the strongest campers in camp. The final round of our tug-o-war challenge was campers versus counselors. The outcome of that round is that even though the campers are many, the counselors are strong. The counselors being strong and triumphing over the campers illustrated the idea that when God's call is truly heard, it is irresistible. Mr. Ethan further illustrated this idea with a magnet and a wand, showing the campers that when a magnet comes near the right kind of surface it is automatically drawn together. So it is with God and his word, when our hearts come near to the truth of God and his love for us, we are drawn close to Him and he is irresistible. It is difficult to resist the pull of God just like it is hard for a magnet to resist being attracted to a magnetic surface. Today's WORD UP! was "God's Call is Irresistible". The one person Mr. Ethan talked about from the Bible to illustrate this idea was the story of Saul becoming Paul in Acts 9. As Saul was living in sin, God called out to him and changed his life in an amazing way. Because of the change in Paul's heart he went on to tell about Jesus and live a very different life. This evening Mr. Ethan further explained that by answering God's call Paul became gentle and humble, patient and kind (Ephesians 4:1-3). In the end the campers were challenged with questions of how they care for others, treat their siblings, and treat others. Does the Call of God in their life show how great God is? Today's theme verse was from 2 Chronicles 20:6 which says:

"Lord, the God our ancestors, are you not the God who is in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. power and might are in your hand, and no once can withstand you." 

Jesus' work on the cross for our sins is the only way we are saved. Believing in what Christ did for us is the only thing that makes us great. When Jesus died on the cross he showed us how valuable each person is, even in their struggles. The love God has for every person is IRRESISTIBLE! Have you, will you, accept it?

Besides being drawn closer into the love of God and his call for our lives, today was spent enjoying more time in our elective classes, creating one more craft project, making ice cream in concoctions class, trying one more time to conquer the difficult route on the climbing wall, and playing water baseball in swimming games. Everywhere you walked you heard the sound of kids laughing, playing, and enjoying the outdoors of camp and letting us know they saw one more turtle at the lake!  We have enjoyed being with each camper this week and seeing God work in their hearts in very specific ways. There is still one more day of adventures to experience and we pray for God's strength and encouragement to help us take a hold of every opportunity to know Him more. May God have all the glory! 


Adventure Camp Day 3 - We are 'Clued In'

Day 3 - Hump Day - is done. The week of Adventure Camp is going quickly by. They do say that time flies when you are having fun! Today we had loads of fun! Today was crazy sock day here at camp and we all started the day donning our craziest pair of socks. (see the pictures below). The adventures of the rest of the day had some of us exploding egg rockets in concoctions class, to having a kayak race during boating class. Arts and crafts got a little crazy doing tie-dye, while all campers, 10 and older went flying high on our new Giant Swing! Our day also included mastering the motions to our songs, while learning how to look up verses in our Bible. We ended today with a giant camp game of Clue, adapted from the board game by the same name. The campers had to solve the mystery of who kidnapped Mr. Bruce's mascot - Colin. Unfortunately no team was able to solve the mystery completely, but it was an adventure trying to figure it out. The campers and staff had a lot of fun!

In chapel though, the clues of how to know Jesus and receive salvation are being shared clearly. Today's Bible lessons from Mr. Ethan emphasized different ways that God calls individuals to know Him. The four different ways that we mainly discussed is that God calls through his word, through conversation with others, through our questions and curiosity, and by conviction of sin. In all these ways God gives a desire to an individual to want to know him. When we have that desire we need to respond and accept the call of God by receiving Jesus as our Savior. When we respond, God will never turn us away. The WORD UP for today was "God's Call is Forever!" The main text of our lesson came from Matthew 22, the parable of the Wedding Banquet. In the parable of the wedding banquet God provided garments for the man to attend the wedding but the man refused to take the garments. Likewise today, God has provided salvation through Jesus Christ and we must receive this salvation to be with God in Heaven. Mr. Ethan explained that we have all been invited to be with Jesus and we must respond and be clothed with God's salvation. Our theme verse for today came from John 6:37 which says:

"All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away."

In less then 48 hours the campers will be driving away from Tel Hai Adventure Camp 2018. Yet, our fervent prayer even as they sleep tonight is that the Holy Spirit is calling them closer to the Lord and reminding them that "God's call is Forever!". May each camper hear and heed the call of God! 



Adventure Camp - A Review of Day #2

It is the end of our first full day of camp and everyone young and old is glad to see their pillows and sleeping bags. It has been a very full and fun second day of camp. Today was the first day of elective classes. With a stroll around the camp we saw campers enjoying the challenge of solving problems on the Challenge Course, campers learning how to groom  a horse, shoot a bow and arrow, aim a BB gun properly, make silly slime and even reach new heights on the climbing wall. Campers in the Challenge Course and Climbing Wall elective classes enjoyed a ride down the zip line too. During free time campers took advantage of the beautiful sunny weather by boating on the lake, swimming in the pool, and playing the ever popular camp game of Gaga. This evening's activity time had the campers enjoying mini-golf, a wagon ride, and a night swim at the pool. There is no time to waste at camp, there is too much fun to be had!

Today's Bible lesson centered around the idea that God has solved the sin problem through Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. When we believe in Jesus it is as though we have our hand stamped and we have access to all that Jesus has for us in the Kingdom of Heaven. Without the stamp of Faith in Jesus, we are not able to be a part of God's Family. By believing in Jesus and his work on the Cross we can know that sin has been conquered. The mission of solving the sin problem was accomplished in and through Jesus. Today's WORD UP is "God Solved the Sin Problem". The emphasis of today's lesson came from Roman's 3:10-12; 23-25. Our theme verse was from 1 Peter 3:18a which says:

"For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God"

Our prayer for your camper tonight is that they will say 'yes' to Jesus and receive all that he has for them through his eternal word. We are praying eagerly for each camper to receive Jesus as their Savior or to know Him even more this week at camp and always in their future. For now, we are saying "Good Night" and we look forward to new adventures tomorrow!

Adventure Camp - Day 1

Adventure Camp day one is just about over. The campers have returned to their cabins and are getting ready for bed. They may not be tired, yet. However, we certainly kept them active today and gave them some adventure to start the week off well. Today's events included reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones as we enjoyed time on the boats, swimming, mini-golf, Gaga, 9 square in the air, and many more activities. Each of the cabins spent time tonight making a banner to hang on their cabins for the week, while we took turns riding the train that came into camp! A train you wonder, yes, a train. A local gentleman who has a model train you can ride, kindly brought it to camp tonight and gave rides to all the kids - young and old! We ended our night with a crazy running game called "Dumping Ground" to use up our energy!

Today in Bible time our Bible teacher Ethan, introduced the theme of the week (Call of God) by encouraging the campers to follow God not because it's about rules.  But following God is knowing God's purpose and grace for each person. This evening, Ethan shared about the story of Levi from Mark 2:13-17. Levi was a sinner and yet God still called Levi to follow Him. Because when anyone hears God's call they can become a child of God. The story of Levi emphasizes our WORD UP! for the day which is "Jesus' Followers are God's Children". To become God's child we must place our faith in Jesus and trust him. Our theme verse for today comes from the Gospel of John 1:12 which says:

"Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God."

Day one of Adventure Camp was a great start to the week. We are looking forward to many more adventures as we begin our elective classes tomorrow and learn more about people from the Bible who heard and responded to the "Call of God"!

Getting Ready...

Tomorrow is the day! Adventure Camp 2018 begins and we are ready to meet the many campers who will be coming to spend the week with us! Know this, we have been praying, preparing, and praying some more for each one of the campers as you pack and make your way here. We are excited and filled with great expectation of what God is going to do in each heart this week at camp. Last night and today we have spent time together as counselors and staff getting to know one another, reviewing the theme and Bible lessons, and preparing for the elective classes. (Check out some of the pictures below of the counselors in the team building activities.) Our Bible teacher, Ethan Prouse, spent some time with us tonight encouraging us from God's word; reminding us that it is God's grace that works in and through us, and it is God's grace that calls each of us to himself. That is our united prayer that each of the campers will hear the Call of God this week and come to know the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are hoping and praying that each camper will love being at camp this week, yet more importantly that each camper will come to adore Christ this week. Our theme verse this week comes from 2 Timothy 1:9 which says: 

"He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time,"

In just a few hours the adventure of hearing, listening, and knowing the Call of God will begin. We are ready! We hope you are too! We'll see you in the morning.

Less Then 48 Hours Away!

It is almost here ! Adventure Camp will be starting in less then 48 hours. This evening we are welcoming into camp the counselors and volunteers who will be helping to make it a great week for your camper. Together we are praying for your child and for this coming week to be full of fun, fellowship, great memories and a time of meeting Jesus for the first time or growing deeper in  relationship with Him. Our theme this year is "Call of God" and in the upcoming week we will be learning to hear and know the call of God through the stories of people from the Bible. Stay tuned each day for a summary of our lessons and activities! We hope you are as excited as we are for Monday morning to get here! Don't forget to to check your packing list and be sure to bring everything you need for the week like your Bible, flashlight, clothes, toiletries, and oh yes, stuff to participate in our daily themes. In case you forgot here is a list of our theme dress-up each day: Tuesday - Hat Day, Wednesday - Wacky Sock Day, Thursday - Hawaiian Day, Friday - Tie Dye Day. Most importantly be sure to pack your sense of adventure because after all this is Tel Hai Adventure Camp - and you never know what new thing will come your way! 

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